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  • Hypertension is the permanent elevation of blood pressure beyond the standards. 
  • As such, hypertension is a symptom, but the result of the examination by the doctor, taking tension. 
  • This excess of blood pressure is manifested by a number of varied signs (headache, dizziness, small flashes before your eyes ...), but more often it shows no visible or felt by the person. 
  • The installation in the duration of this elevation of constant pressure which leads to hypertensive disease called "hypertension", whose consequences are very important throughout the body. 
  • Officially Hypertension is defined as a systolic blood pressure (the first number) greater than 140 mmHg and / or diastolic blood pressure (the second number) above 90 mmHg. These measures should have been made in medical practice, under specific conditions of rest, and must be confirmed by at least two measurements per visit, during three successive consultations over a period of three to six months. 
  • Clearly, this means that if in 3 or 6 months your doctor tells you during 2 successive consultations that you are over 14 / 9, you are considered (e) as hypertensive (e). 
  • Also, if you are over 18/11, your doctor will ask you to take back the power quickly in a period that you determine.

Shoulder Pain in Adults

Shoulder Pain is the one type of Body Pain which caused due to excessive Computer Usage (in current generation). 

The shoulder pain may have various origins:
  • Bone Pain, 
  • Muscle Pain (Muscular  Pain) or
  • Tendon Pain
They are the most frequent. It may also include pain due to venous or arterial circulation, or the nerves that run through the arm.

But the pain may also correspond to the radiation of a chest pain or heart, especially when it is the left arm. Therefore, any left arm pain that is accompanied by chest pain, left shoulder or jaw requires medical attention without delay.

Shoulder Pain : What are the causes?

The important thing to understand is that shoulder pain can be indicative of pathologies very different from each other.

The shoulder is a joint (or even more joints) suspended (the arm is "hooked" to the trunk) which explains that the muscle and tendon disorders are more frequent and certainly more meaningful (in terms of pain) that the conditions of articular wear (osteoarthritis). On the other hand, some pain may be felt in the shoulder pain but be "projection" of pulmonary origin, cervical ...

It thus distinguishes:

The causes bone and joint:
  • Osteoarthritis is primitive or secondary (in the context of neurological diseases such as syringomyelia, where one is struck by the discrepancy between impressive osteoarthritic lesions on radiographs and pain discrete)
  • Infectious causes (very rare, ranging from acute septic arthritis to tuberculosis).
Bone Tumors-benign or malignant.
The adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder

Pathology frequent Échez diabetics where the mobility of the shoulder is very limited, with pain at night, but the radiograph is almost normal.

The pathology or peri juxta articular shoulder
which is the dominant pathology
Either-table "tendinitis" microtrauma, muscles responsible for rotation of the shoulder, which appears especially after forty.
Either-inflammatory acute due to the precipitation of microcrystals in a bursa located between the muscles, giving an acute pain in the shoulder with limitation, but often dramatically effective treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and colchicine.
  • Let tramatique disease or injury with rupture of a tendon muscle cuff of the shoulder.

The pain of the shoulder projection
quite frequent.
Sorrows of pulmonary origin (taking radiographs of the lungs especially in smokers).
Pain-neck (in association with a cervico-brachial neuralgia).
  • A special mention for the pain of biliary origin (gallstones) sometimes revealed by a pain in the right shoulder.
  • Beware of cardiac pain, especially on the left.

In short, it is the doctor to examine the patient to take a good diagnostic orientation before they do further tests.

Why do some pain do not disappear with time and treatment?

One hypothesis advanced is that initially we did not deal fairly combative when the pain is acute. Over time, the pain would cause chemical changes in the neural circuits of the brain and spinal cord. Thus, the nervous system "mimerait 'pain, even if the initial injury has healed. This is why some doctors and researchers believe that chronic pain is a disease in itself.

Other hypotheses, psychological suffering (experiences of abandonment, physical abuse, sexual abuse, etc..) Could also be expressed in the form of pain. In fact, according to the definition of the International Association for the Study of Pain, pain is an experience not only physical but also emotional.

Who suffers from Chronic Pain?

  • The prevalence of chronic pain increases with age. 
  • In Canada, 29% of adults aged 35 to 54 years suffer from chronic pain, and 39% of those aged 55 and over 1. According to a compilation of data from several countries (Canada, France, Australia, United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, Scotland, Netherlands), chronic pain affect on average 36% of adults 2. 
  • An increase of 70% of chronic pain is expected within 25 years because of aging of the population 3. Also, surgeries that we practice more and more, often leave patients with persistent pain. The removal of the breast and knee arthroscopy are good examples of common operations that often leave scars 4. 
  • Women are more prone to chronic pain 5. We know that testosterone protects men from the pain. However, the relationship between estrogen and the pain is not yet clear. Many women see their pain increased during the days preceding menstruation and after menopause, periods characterized by lower estrogen.

Possible causes of Chronic Pain

  • Pain associated with chronic disease can not be treated properly and that causes pain: osteoarthritis, diabetes (can cause neuropathy), multiple sclerosis, cancer, AIDS, trigeminal neuralgia, sickle cell anemia, etc.. 
  • A poorly relieved acute pain that persists beyond the normal period of recovery or lasting longer than six months: after an accident at work (eg back pain), surgery, an episode of shingles, etc.. 
  • Pain whose cause is poorly defined: migraine, fibromyalgia. 
  • A phantom pain following an amputation. In this case, the pain comes from damage done to the nerves. 
  • Pain maintained by the nervous system without apparent trigger, as is the case of regional pain syndrome complex.

What is Chronic Pain

Currently, chronic pain is not recognized as a disease in itself, by any medical authority. One of several Body Pain, Chronic Pain is also a severe form of Pain.

In the health community, there are two schools of thought. The first, more traditional, argues that this is only a symptom, such as acute pain. The second considers the chronic pain as a disease because of the neurochemical changes that occur in people with chronic pain.

We can compare the chronic pain in an alarm bell that no longer able to extinguish. Thus, the pain persists ... for nothing.

This disorder is growing. In fact, family physicians are increasingly arriving in their offices for patients afflicted with chronic pain. If the causes are sometimes recognizable, other times they are inexplicable. The health professionals are confronted with their own powerlessness.

Consider increasing chronic pain as a disease of the nervous system, one among main body pains But not all agree on its definition. But what is a chronic pain? In short, it is a pain that lasts longer than six months. This pain can be constant or intermittent, such as migraines. It may be linked to chronic diseases such as Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis. These two diseases are also major causes of chronic pain.

Where is the harm?

The back is the part of the body most often affected by chronic pain. Then there are the legs, head, neck, knees and abdomen. It can be caused by injury to nerves, to muscles, joints or body.

Chronic Pain : When it hurts all the time ...

  • It begins with an evil that we believe temporary. But now he settles permanently. Chronic Pain is a form of Body Pain.
  • Chronic pain is a disorder that affects more and more individuals are often left to themselves. Sometimes without apparent cause, such persistent pain faced by health professionals at their own impotence. The drugs are ineffective: they relieve only 10% to 20% of the pain. 
  • Hence the importance of clinical pain, attached to hospitals, which offer a wide range of services ranging from psychology to physiotherapy. Because we can not be limited to physical harm ... 
  • These severe pain poison all aspects of the lives of people who are victims, as can be seen from their testimony. They can break couples and friendships, ruin careers in addition to generating great mental distress.

How to Prevent Back Pain

Basic preventive measures

Some ways to reduce muscle tension in the back and reduce the risk of Lower Back Pain.

A healthy lifestyle
  • Maintain a healthy weight or lose weight if you are overweight. To find your body mass index (BMI), take our test.
  • Make of regular exercise and warm up before starting a physical activity. This is the best way to maintain strength and flexibility back. Pay particular attention to the muscles of the abdomen and back, which is a natural corset for the spine while protecting it from shocks. It is important to learn the exercises under the supervision of a qualified instructor. Poorly executed exercises may trigger or aggravate back pain.
  • Reserve moments of relaxation.

Good posture
  • Be aware of posture at all times. The back is straight, eyes forward, shoulders back.
  • To lift a heavy object, squat down by bending the knees while keeping your back straight, stand up and unfolding the legs while holding the object close to your body. Avoid twisting.
  • To shovel the snow, keep your back as straight as possible. To do this, place the lowest hand possible on the handle, bend your knees to pick up snow, use the knee as a lever when the load is heavy, and avoid twisting the back when it rejects the snow.

At work
  • If you must stay long standing, use a low stool on which lay the feet alternately, alternating every five to ten minutes.
  • If you must sit for long hours at the office or driving a vehicle, making stops to stretch and stretch.
  • Use straight-backed chairs that support well the lower back.
  • Use a swivel chair to minimize twisting.
  • Adjust the height of the chair or put your feet on a small stool so that knees are slightly higher than hips.
  • For computer work, adjust the screen height so that the eyes are fixed straight ahead and head, relatively straight.

Think about it
  • Focus on backpacks to handbags, and use both shoulders to carry the backpack.
  • Push heavy objects rather than pull them.
  • Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes (over 5 cm). Porter rather tight fitting shoes that provide good support.

Who are at Risk of Lower Back Pain and Lower Back Ache Risk Factors

Lower Back Pain one of the several Body Pain. Due to symptoms and causes of Lower Back Ache, a list of people at risk is created :
  • People whose job requires spending long hours sitting or standing.
  • Workers required to lift or pull heavy loads.
  • Workers who frequently have to lean forward or perform torso twists side.
  • Pregnant women, who bear an extra weight of 9 kg to 12 kg in the stomach and whose hormones control a relaxation of muscle tissue (primarily the pelvic region to facilitate delivery, but also near the spine).
  • People whose parents suffered from degenerative disc disease, of OA or of osteoporosis.
Risk Factors of Lower Back Pain
  • Lack of physical training or overtraining.
  • Overweight.
  • Poor posture.
  • Wearing high-heeled shoes.
  • The smoking because it contributes to the osteoporosis.
  • The stress extended. Repressed emotions or where unsatisfactory work contribute to back pain. Stress increases muscle tension in the back.

Symptoms of Lower Back Pain

Due to the complex anatomy of the lumbar spine and the multiple causes of pain in his lower back, symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. For the same condition, two people can describe their pain very differently.
  • If the pain in his lower back occurs suddenly and is manifested by a sudden and intense contraction of muscles is usually a sign of muscle damage, sprained ligaments, breaking or removal of a disc.
  • If pain culminates in the morning and diminishes with movement and stretching, it may be a muscle trauma or of osteoarthritis.
  • When the pain goes down along the posterior part of one or both legs, it is neuralgia sciatica. The pain is then exacerbated by coughing, sneezing or exercise. This type of pain can be a sign of a herniated disc.
  • If the pain in the lower back is worse at night and is not relieved by exercise, it can be caused by pressure exerted by inflammation, a diseased organ or a tumor.

Categories of Lower Back Pain

Acute pain: pain that can last up to four weeks (commonly called lumbago). Although short-term, acute back pain can cause much discomfort, impose a work stoppage for a few days and significantly interfere with daily activities.
Subacute pain: pain that usually lasts from four weeks to three months, more or less constant.
Chronic pain: constant pain lasting longer than three months. The causes of chronic back pain is sometimes difficult to determine. The sufferers must often consider significant changes to their lifestyle.

Lower Back or Lumbar supports, cant help in preventing Back Pain

Lumbar or lower back supports, 'makes no difference' to Back Pain, cannot do anything to help preventing pain in the lower back, a new systematic review has found.

The review, published in the latest issue of The Cochrane Library, found that the large belts which can be worn around the waist when picking up or carrying heavy objects are as effective in reducing pain as education about lifting.

The researchers looked at 15 studies which involved over 15,000 people and looked at both the prevention and treatment of low back pain. They found that patients who did not use such supports reported the same levels of pain or reduced disability as those who had.

Lead author Ingrid van Duijvenbode said that the findings of the review indicate that lumbar should not be recommended for patients looking to treat or manage their low back pain.

She said: "There is moderate evidence that lumbar supports do not prevent low back pain or sick leave more effectively than no intervention or education on lifting techniques in preventing long-term low back pain. There is conflicting evidence on the effectiveness of lumbar supports as treatment compared to no intervention or other interventions."

A spokesman for the Arthritis Research Campaign, which funds a great deal of research into alleviating low back pain, said that in most cases, patients benefited from maintaining everyday activities and keeping as mobile as possible, rather than resting.ADNFCR-1096-ID-18564295-ADNFCR

What causes Lower Back Pain ?

Back pain is a symptom. It is therefore important to identify the source of evil to find the best treatment. The causes of back pain are varied. Often it is difficult to pinpoint the origin of evil.

Here are the sources of pain the most frequent.
  • An injury to a muscle, tendon or ligament. An effort or unusual twist or accumulation of microdamage caused by repetitive motion may be the cause. People in poor physical condition are most at risk.
  • The disc degeneration. Between each vertebrae there are kinds of small cushions called intervertebral discs. They help absorb shock and provide flexibility to the spine. With aging, discs lose their elasticity. It shows a disc degeneration in almost all persons over 60 years. Some athletes also experience this problem around the quarantine, especially those who practice an activity that creates pressure on the spine.
  • A herniated disc. A portion of the gel content in the intervertebral disc protrudes outward and compresses the nerve roots. Poor posture, excess weight, pregnancy and disc degeneration are major causes of disc herniation.
  • A gynecological problem. Many women have back pain on a regular or constant, because of painful periods, of endometriosis, etc..
  • Slippage of one vertebra onto another vertebra (spondylolisthesis). This situation can occur due to a congenital weakness in the vertebral structures or following trauma.
  • Arthritis, osteoarthritis or osteoporosis. These health problems are common among the elderly. If the osteoporosis of the spine is important, it can cause a vertebral fracture.
Whatever the origin of back pain, there is often a contraction of muscles around the painful area. It is a protective reflex. This contraction may itself cause the pain. A vicious cycle can then begin and contribute to chronic pain.

Lower Back Pain - Another Body Pain

Lower Back Pain, which means pain in the lower back is very common. Indeed, over 90% of people suffer at one time or another of a sore back, and this most often spent their twenties, with the adoption of sedentary lifestyles.

In the vast majority of people, pain is the lumbar. This region of the back, constantly sought, supports a significant proportion of body weight.

Back pain a type of body pain, is a complex problem that often conventional medicine alone can not alleviate. In many cases, especially if the pain is chronic, a holistic approach that takes into account both the psychological and emotional and physical need. We can thus achieve reduced pain, or at least learn how to live with it.

The lumbar spine

The lumbar spine consists of five vertebrae, small cylindrical bones and empty bunk in their center (see diagram above). The spinal cord passes into the cavity. The marrow consists of a bundle of nerve fibers motor, sensory and associative. The space between the vertebrae is cushioned by a disk of soft tissue that contains a gel which serves to allow the mobility of the vertebrae, while preventing them from rubbing against each other. The whole is surrounded by muscles, tendons and ligaments whose role is to ensure stability and mobility of the delicate joints of the spine.

Stiff neck pain in the neck, how to get rid of it?

Poor position in the night may be responsible for this unpleasant pain. It is a painful twist of the neck. No doubt it is a stiff neck.

Wellness: Stiff neck, pain in the neck, how to get rid of it?

Who did not already awakened one morning with severe pain in the neck. WRONG in the night may be responsible for this unpleasant pain. It is a painful twist of the neck.

No doubt it is a stiff neck.
This pain is with a vertebral disc is often caused by a false move, wrong position for too long.

Injections of Botox can relieve some torticollis however considered important. In general the torticollis is nonexistent after 25-30 years but many people say otherwise. In this case we must ask whether this is not an acute neck pain.

But how to differentiate between torticollis and neck pain?
In fact in the context of neck pain neck is trapped but not rotated as a stiff neck. A neck pain can manifest itself in constant pain and diffuse while torticollis it disappears after a few days at most.

What to do then to get rid of these evils?
In both cases torticollis and neck pain he must first sit up and rub or massage to the neck. You apply a gel heater will relax the muscles and especially avoid making too many movements your neck.

In addition, muscle relaxants, painkillers and anti inflammatory drugs can help relieve pain. At work you will watch as you settle comfortably so as not to do too much work your neck. In your bed you will banish the pillows too soft.

Small automation will help you in any way to overcome it. We must especially not torturing your body and try to lull you into a down position. Indeed, under the effect of nocturnal movements you can then enter a sleep called "deep" at some point your body is poorly positioned. It's an important thing to remember to avoid wearing more weight until you're not in a position called adequate.

Know of any way that if the disease persists too long you can make an appointment with your doctor who can help you overcome this pain through treatment descontracturant for you and help you overcome the pain that sometimes is really strong .

Neck Pain

The pain and stiffness in the neck are usually caused by stretching or spasm of the muscles of your neck. They can also be caused by inflammation (swelling) of the joints of your neck. The neck pain is sometimes caused by arthritis or injury to the discs of your neck vertebrae (cervical disks).

Neck pain can cause other problems such as headaches and shoulder pain in the upper back or arm.

Causes for Neck Pain :
  • Having the head tilted for too long.
  • Use a pillow too flat, too thick or does not properly support your head.
  • Sleeping on your belly or neck crooked.
  • Pressing his forehead on his hand or his arm.
  • Watch TV or read in bed.
  • Be stressed.
  • Receiving a blow to the head or neck.
  • Too much exercise his upper body and arms in a single sitting.

Important: If you have a very stiff neck, fever and headache, consult a doctor immediately to make sure you do not have meningitis.

Treatment for Neck Pain :
  • Some of the best ways to prevent neck pain are to adopt a good posture and exercise his neck.
  • If the pain is worse at the end of the day, analyze what you do during the day.
  • Take several short breaks to avoid sitting too long in one position.
  • When you work at the computer, the top of your screen should be at eye level.
  • It can be very tiring to talk on the phone, use a headset or phone speaker.
  • Move your seat in your car to support it though your head and your lower back.
  • If you have more pain in the neck in the morning, think about how you sleep and what you did yesterday.
  • Use a cervical pillow or a mattress firmer.
  • Try not to use pillows that make you tilt your head forward when you sleep on your back.
  • When you sleep on your side, keep the nose aligned with the center of your body.
  • Do relaxation exercises if you feel that stress is causing your pain.
  • Exercise your neck once a day to strengthen your muscles.
  • Place cold compresses on sore muscles for 10 to 15 minutes, up to once every hour. This helps to reduce pain, spasms and swelling.
  • Keep your head straight, not tilted towards the ground.
  • Take a pain reliever recommended by your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Walk, start with 5 to 10 minutes, 3 to 4 times per day.
  • When the pain subsides, do exercises to help strengthen the muscles of your neck.

Go to the emergency department:
  • Immediately if you have stiff neck, fever and headache;
  • if you have a shooting pain that goes down in your arms or if you have any tingling in his hands;
  • if your arms or legs become weaker;
  • If you receive a blow on the head or neck (whiplash) and it causes further pain;
  • if you can no longer endure the pain;
  • when the pain for over 2 weeks, even after trying the stuff mentioned above;
  • if you fall more than 3 meters.

Over-Stress: How to Manage it...

Stress is the body's response to a challenge or tough situation. When the body is stressed focus, strength, stamina, and alertness are all heightened. to be more specific, hormones are released into the blood stream and heart rate increases, as well as breathing rate, blood pressure and metabolism. This is known as the 'fight-or-flight' mechanism. Our ancestors would have experienced stress responses when they were hunting animals for food or were, in fact, faced with an animal that could potentially kill them (i.e. lion, crocodile). In those days, whether you stayed to fight off the animal or ran for dear life, the movement of the body (or exercise) would use up all the stress hormones floating through the blood and reduce the heart rate and blood pressure, etc.

These days we continue to go through the exact same stress response as our ancestors, however we might facing a deadline rather than a lion or managing a team of  people instead of feeding a tribe. The thing is, unlike our ancestors we don't fight or run to get rid of the stress hormones, we continue to sit at our desk, typing away on the computer while the hormones build up, heart rate continues to rise and blood pressure goes through the roof! When a stress response is active long term it can cause health issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), headaches or depression.

So how to you deal with stress? Obviously you wont be able to remove all stress from your life so its a matter of finding ways to reduce the stress response and manage the way you're feeling.
  • Exercise - going for a jog and doing a boxing class will get rid of any pent up energy, stimulate the production of endorphins (happy hormones) and lower your 'flashpoint'.
  • Watch what you're thinking - attitudes and perceptions will heavy influence the way you see and feel about things so think positively.
  • Set realistic goals - work out what your priorities are and set achievable timelines.
  • Relax in a way that suits you- take time out to do something you enjoy such as  reading, meeting with friends, doing a yoga class.
  • Take 'Breathing Breaks' - I'm a big fan of cigarette breaks, just minus the cigarette. Smokers take 5-10 minutes out every few hours and to go outside and take deep breaths. So do yourself a favour and take 'Breathing Breaks', it'll lower your heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Talk to someone - there is nothing wrong with venting your frustrations. Talk to someone you trust about what is stressing you out, besides two heads are better than one, you might come up with a brilliant solution.
Just remember that we weren't designed to stew over things and become more and more aggravated, we were designed to be active and work off the stress response so the best thing you can do to reduce stress is to get into the gym and run, run, run!!!

The Pain Differs in Women

Women feel pain more severe, more frequent and longer durations than men but are less likely to receive appropriate treatment according to the International Association for the Study of Pain.

Most doctors are insufficiently informed about the research showing genetic differences, biological and hormonal in the way pain affects women, which has implications for treatments prescribed to women, said Dr. Beverly Collett at the 12th World Congress on bread.

Many are not aware, for example, as painkillers such as Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) are less effective for women and they cause more side effects in the past.

The long-term conditions such as migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis and fibromyalgia are more common among women.

Despite this, many women are still not believed by doctors and given a psychiatric diagnosis. While depression often accompanies the pain, it is rarely the case.

"It is only ten years since we started to understand these differences and this remains an area where there is not enough research. But even the current knowledge were not made until the average physician who has no idea that drugs such as paracetamol and morphine work differently in women, "said Dr Collett.

For example, a Swedish study showed last year that women having a heart attack are more likely to feel pain in the shoulders and back rather than in the chest and left arm. Most doctors and nurses are unaware of these differences, which has consequences threatening the lives of women, "she said.

Until recently, most pain studies were conducted on male rodents and the majority of clinical trials for drugs are made with men.

Back Pain (Lower Back Pain)

A type of Body Pain is Back Pain. Generally people suffer form Lower Back Pain. Pain in the lower portion of Back or say low back pain is a common concern now a days, affecting more than 80% of world population a some point in their lifetime. And above 50% of population have more than one episode of back pain. Low back pain is a symptom not a specific disease which is caused from variety of different processes. Despite a thorough medical examination, no specific cause is identified in more than 80% of people suffering from low back pain.

- After Common Cold, Low back pain is another cause of lost days at work. Back Pain, Lower Back Ache now became one of the most common reasons to visit a doctor.

- For 90% of people, even those with nerve root irritation, their symptoms will improve within 2 months, no matter what treatment is used-even if no treatment is given.

- Doctors usually refer to back pain as acute if it has been present for less than a month and chronic if it lasts for a longer period of time.

Children: The End of Tears?

The management of body pain in children is only beginning to enter the normal practice of medicine who until recently regarded as little or not sensitive. Despite constant efforts, paediatricians require more time and staff to be really effective.

Children and infants feel pain, at least as much and perhaps more than adults, and should be relieved, even for small operations. This seems obvious but it's actually a finding that medicine has made recently. In fact, until the mid-80s, scientists believed that the nervous system of newborns is not developed enough to convey painful information. Now it is, however, acknowledged that early exposure to pain leaves an indelible mark which aggravates all the painful sensations felt in the future. The injustice suffered by children cope with the pain no longer has any purpose.

Pain unknown
If the pain of children is known scientifically, it is not always well supported, including lack of adequate treatment. There is indeed little pediatric versions, lower dose and easier to administer. Recognizing the importance of this issue, Bernard Kouchner had provided in its three-year plan to fight against the pain launched in 1998 to convince the major laboratories embarking on this path.

Few treatments tailored
Besides the shortage of appropriate drugs, the management of pain the child faces the unresolved problem of the evaluation. "An infant or young child who does not speak, can express his grief by crying and a big noise but we now know a sad child and may still be in great suffering," said Dr. Chantal Wood. In fact, pain specialists mainly lack of time to read all the signs and take charge. "Treat the pain of a child is to first take time. Examine and listen to a child, explain to parents what we can do and overcome their reluctance to morphine, for example, surround the child, console, all it takes considerable time and therefore staff, "