- If the pain in his lower back occurs suddenly and is manifested by a sudden and intense contraction of muscles is usually a sign of muscle damage, sprained ligaments, breaking or removal of a disc.
- If pain culminates in the morning and diminishes with movement and stretching, it may be a muscle trauma or of osteoarthritis.
- When the pain goes down along the posterior part of one or both legs, it is neuralgia sciatica. The pain is then exacerbated by coughing, sneezing or exercise. This type of pain can be a sign of a herniated disc.
- If the pain in the lower back is worse at night and is not relieved by exercise, it can be caused by pressure exerted by inflammation, a diseased organ or a tumor.
Symptoms of Lower Back Pain
Due to the complex anatomy of the lumbar spine and the multiple causes of pain in his lower back, symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. For the same condition, two people can describe their pain very differently.
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