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  • Hypertension is the permanent elevation of blood pressure beyond the standards. 
  • As such, hypertension is a symptom, but the result of the examination by the doctor, taking tension. 
  • This excess of blood pressure is manifested by a number of varied signs (headache, dizziness, small flashes before your eyes ...), but more often it shows no visible or felt by the person. 
  • The installation in the duration of this elevation of constant pressure which leads to hypertensive disease called "hypertension", whose consequences are very important throughout the body. 
  • Officially Hypertension is defined as a systolic blood pressure (the first number) greater than 140 mmHg and / or diastolic blood pressure (the second number) above 90 mmHg. These measures should have been made in medical practice, under specific conditions of rest, and must be confirmed by at least two measurements per visit, during three successive consultations over a period of three to six months. 
  • Clearly, this means that if in 3 or 6 months your doctor tells you during 2 successive consultations that you are over 14 / 9, you are considered (e) as hypertensive (e). 
  • Also, if you are over 18/11, your doctor will ask you to take back the power quickly in a period that you determine.


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