Currently, chronic pain is not recognized as a disease in itself, by any medical authority. One of several Body Pain, Chronic Pain is also a severe form of Pain. In the health community, there are two schools of thought. The first, more traditional, argues that this is only a symptom, such as acute pain. The second considers the chronic pain as a disease because of the neurochemical changes that occur in people with chronic pain. |
We can compare the chronic pain in an alarm bell that no longer able to extinguish. Thus, the pain persists ... for nothing.
This disorder is growing. In fact, family physicians are increasingly arriving in their offices for patients afflicted with chronic pain. If the causes are sometimes recognizable, other times they are inexplicable. The health professionals are confronted with their own powerlessness.
Consider increasing chronic pain as a disease of the nervous system, one among main body pains But not all agree on its definition. But what is a chronic pain? In short, it is a pain that lasts longer than six months. This pain can be constant or intermittent, such as migraines. It may be linked to chronic diseases such as Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis. These two diseases are also major causes of chronic pain.
Where is the harm? The back is the part of the body most often affected by chronic pain. Then there are the legs, head, neck, knees and abdomen. It can be caused by injury to nerves, to muscles, joints or body. |
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